Signal Hill | 2024

Signal Hill | Nigel Hewitt

10 August - 14 September 2024
Art Collective, Perth

At the end of a steep rock-faced historical rail cutting sits a piece of reclaimed land which protrudes into the large tidal mouth of a river, pure sky and distant landscape. This is where my studio sits and it is a place that has inspired my reaction to the ever-changing landscape represented in these small-scale works.

Some works are directly painted on site and others are painted from recollection and longing.

Signal Hill is directly in line with one of the large studio windows that faces south. This hill is like a piece of litmus paper that reacts to any change in light conditions. Some days, and in some conditions, it can be unremarkable and on others it explodes with a play of light and shadow.

Each of these works contains a reaction or a response to both the changing natural conditions and the awareness of human impact. In this place I am not just a visitor and an observer I am implicated and recognise my own role in the changes wrought upon this landscape.

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